Delivery Policy and Terms

Shipping and Deliveries

When you purchase goods from the Site, the goods will be delivered either directly by our drivers, or a third-party courier/delivery service. You agree that Bluffdale Flower Delivery and its affiliates are not liable for damages caused by third-party courier/delivery service providers.

We will make our best efforts to deliver your order on the date and within the time window selected, but you agree that many unforeseen factors (including but not limited to weather, mechanical breakdown, staff shortages, medical events, traffic, etc.) may cause your order to be delivered outside of the selected date or time frame.

You are required to provide us with a complete and accurate delivery address, including the name of the recipient. We are not liable for the delivery of your goods to the wrong address or wrong person as a result of inaccurate or incomplete information.

If there is no answer at the door of your recipient address, we may need to contact your intended recipient via phone call, text, etc. to make them aware of the delivery.

If your intended recipient is unavailable to receive your order, you agree that we may place the order outside, leave the order with a neighbor to deliver to your recipient, leave the order at the front desk or with a front desk attendant, or any other alternative that we deem necessary using our judgment. Weather and temperature may affect the product lifespan, so you agree to contact your recipient to ensure that they locate the order in a timely manner.

It is your responsibility to ensure that we have the necessary access to deliver your order. If the delivery of your order is rejected by your recipient or our access is denied or impeded, we will not be able to issue a refund. However, if you are able to provide the necessary access, we will make every reasonable effort to complete the delivery.


If you are not satisfied with the products or services that you have purchased from us, please contact us and we will attempt in good faith to meet or exceed your expectations.